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Original compositions for selected Danish and international podcasts

112 for Knuste Hjerter - 24syv
Maria Jencel talks about those aching heartbreaks

Poptillægget - Politiken
The much loved podcast that covers everything within popculture

Millionærklubben - Euroinvestor
A daily look at the market of finance

Døgnrapporten - 24syv
A daily look at what is going on in the danish world of crime

Narkobetjenten - Podimo
An insight to the danish criminal world with renowned drug cop

Mads & Møldrup - Podimo
Just two friends catching up

Du lytter til Politiken
Selected compositions for Politiken's daily news podcast

Utrolige sekter - Podimo
An insight to the crazy and bizarre sects around the world

Mette & Magten - 24syv
Anne Kirstine Cramon is leading the fight against the social democratic autocracy

Fodbold FM - 24syv
A podcast about the world of football

Det Hemmeligste af Det Hemmelige - 24syv
The Cold War, spies, agents, MI5, CIA, plot twists. It is all here

Album - Podimo
A podcast about the greatest albums of all time

Reporterne, 24syv
Everyday deep digging journalism

Bare Sex - 24syv
It's just sex

Ibyens Brevkasse - Politiken
A show about love in all it's weird shapes and sizes

Slottet og Sumpen - B.T.
Joachim B. Olsen and Anne Kirstine Cramon discuss the current political issues in Denmark

Oprejsning - Podimo
A podcast about the male sexuality

Hjem med Reol - Weekendavisen
Talking literature with authors

99 Problemer til jul - Podimo
Thomas has to solve 99 problems before christmas

Litterære anbefalinger - Gyldendal
Influential people recommend their favourite books

Gameboys - Loud
The must-listen show for all the gaming nerds out there

Traktat, Stakit, Kasket - Atlas
Podcast about the EU Treaty

Bogfolk - Politiken
Podcast on the world of literature

Stine Geisler - Politiken
True-crime podcast on the murder of a young woman taking place in 90s Copenhagen
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